Wednesday, March 2, 2022

"Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" THELEMA (see "THE BOOK OF THE LAW", etc, etc)

 What a morning and an experience I am having and have had. OF COURSE I'M WATCHING BBC MORE THAN CNN although that's about the only thing I'm watching and it does get TIRESOME. This morning for instance BBC goes on their scheduled MONARCHY COMMANDMENT course of programing to issue interviews from people actually IN THE MIX (PART OF THE FIGHTING AND SUFFERING WITHIN UKRAINE and POLAND) and what I'm faced with initially but a RABBI in Kharkiv ranting and raving about the PALESTINIANS, HIS PALESTINIAN POPULATION, SUFFERING AS THE DICTATORSHIP FROM TEL AVIV IN THE FORM OF NAZI-LIKKUD COMMANDMENTS through a myopic tank driver like BENJAMIN NETANJAHU. This rabbi believes that he is suffering, that his suffering, IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SUFFERING THAT HIS JEWISH POPULATION IN "THE KREMLIN" INFLICTS UPON OTHERS SO AS TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH JEWISH SUBURBS, JEWISH PRISONS, DOING BUSINESS AS "SETTLEMENTS". Then BBC backs up their shit using a Jewish Rabbi as the vehicle to broadcast, by going to a Ukrainian refugee in Warsaw Poland, who broadcasts THE SAME MESSAGE from a different perspective. WELL, needless to say I instantly thought of my own HOME to go out and clean up the massive amount of dog shit that my three pit bulls leave in the backyard.

So, hmm, is it TRUE that something as transient as LOVE can be achieved "at first sight"? How do two independent entities "exchange glances"? If you are only "glancing" then your eyes would be darting from here to there, or flitting from here to there, which is to say that they would not be staring at something or someone, they would not be FIXATED (see Tidal Locking).



We have to ask ourselves, first, DOES THE KREMLIN STAND IN THE SHADOW OF WASHINGTON D.C. or does WASHINGTON D.C. STAND IN THE SHADOW OF THE KREMLIN? The same principle applies DIRRECTLY to questioning the shadows of former POTUS and leader of the NAZI-RNC PARTY, ADOLF HITLER, and the Soviet KGB Col Vladimir Putin. We shouldn't forget aspiring Consigliere Rudy Giuliani although he is NOT DIRECTLY PART OF THE HUSBAND AND WIFE TAG TEAM WRESTLING MATCH underway where the same behavior is always present (see THE PAST DHARMA, THE PRESENT DHARMA, THE FUTURE DHARMA) through the behavior of, the scripted rationale, scripted speech, dialogue, "go ask your father" and/or "go ask your mother", etc. You see the RNC is trying to HIDE their identity and their intentions, objectivity, via FALSE WITNESS so as to maintain support of the RELIGIOUS WING of RADICAL FUNDAMENTALISM via THE WASP RELIGIOUS LEADERS i.e. PAT ROBERTSON CONDEMNING A PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR NOT REQUIRING NAZI IDEOLOGY OF INTELLIGENT DESIGN, THE RNC IDEOLOGY OF EUGENICS, IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION; THIS SAME PROCEDURE IS FOUND IN TEXAS AND FLORIDA SCHOOL DISTRICTS WHERE RACISM IS OUTLAWED FROM TEACHING AND FROM TEXAS SCHOOL BOOK PUBLISHING AS BEING "CRITICAL RACE THEORY" which leads to CRITICAL THOUGHT(S) thus causing conflict with the programming via LAN/WAN CARDS that are dictatorship given to robots who aspire to join, to sign the WORKS FOR HIRE contract, within the CORPORATE EMPIRE.

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